We practice the continuous integration (CI), built with the help of [GitLab](https://gitlab.com). The development model we use allows to have safe and stable production branches (similar to the [Git-flow](https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/) model). For a code to be merged to the master branch, it must first pass a series of automatic and manual tests. These checks save overall development time, allow to detect bugs and errors at early stages and ensure the high quality of a code.
In our development, we follow the [Odoo Guidelines](https://www.odoo.com/documentation/12.0/reference/guidelines.html) and [OCA Guidelines](https://github.com/OCA/odoo-community.org/blob/master/website/Contribution/CONTRIBUTING.rst).
### Branches
We have stable production branches (currently 11.0, 12.0). Merging changes directly to stable branches is prohibited.
Development process happens on the development branches (named `11.0-<branch name>`, `12.0-<branch name>` where `<branch name>` is a description of features developers work on.
### Code Testing Process
Any code changes should pass the following stages to be merged into the main branch:
1. Automatic static code analysis
With the following code analyzers:
- [bandit](https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit)
- [palynt](https://github.com/OCA/pylint-odoo), [flake8](https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8)
- [stylelint](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint)
- check-versions (ensure that changes to main branches will change the version of addons)
2. Automatic tests
- on a clean database
- tests with the changes made (migration tests)
3. Automatic check of translation coverage
4. Automatic review app deployment
### Translation
For translations we use [odoo-helper-scripts](https://github.com/katyukha/odoo-helper-scripts) which have `odoo-helper tr` subcommand, that provides utils that simplifies translation process.
Command `odoo-helper tr regenerate` regenerates PO files for specifed modules.
For more info type following in command line
odoo-helper tr regenerate --help
this will display help message for this command.
For example, we have to translate addon `generic_request_sla` and `generic_request_sla_log` to ukrainian language, so to add translations to that addon we have follow next steps:
1. `cd repositiories/maao-generic` - go to directory of this repository
2. `git checkout 9.0 && git pull` - checkout to branch `9.0` and pull all changes for origin repository.
3. `git checkout -b 9.0-translate-request-sla` - start new branch named `9.0-translate-request-sla`
4. `odoo-helper tr regenerate --lang uk_UA --file uk generic_request_sla generic_request_sla_log` - regenerate [PO files](https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/PO-Files.html) for addons `generic_request_sla` and `generic_request_sla_log`, generated files will be `generic_request_sla/i18n/uk.po` and `generic_request_sla_log/i18n/uk.po`. In this command `uk_UA` is language to regenerate translations for, and `uk` is name of translation files. For example for `uk_UA` language, Odoo will look for `uk_UA.po` file first, and then for `uk.po` file.
5. Open `generic_request_sla/i18n/uk.po` file in your favorte text editor (for example [gedit](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Gedit), [Sublime text](https://www.sublimetext.com/), etc) and edit translations. Also look here for [PO file format](https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/PO-Files.html)
6. `git diff --color` - look at your changes, review them before commit, may be you forget to translate something, or there some mistages present in diff.
7. Check your translations on your local database, if they looks realy good.
***TODO: add here more info, or add link to separate page that describes how to update translations on local database***
8. `git commit` Commit your changes, metion in commit message what addons you have translated, are this translations complete, or it is partialy translated. Note, that commit message must be in English!
9. `git push -u orgin 9.0-translate-request-sla`
10. Go to gitlab and create Merge request (`9.0-translate-request-sla` to `9.0`), wait for tests finished. If you have no finished your work, mark merge request as WIP (work in progress), to prevent it to be merged.
11. After tests complete, go to runbot, and test how your translations look. |
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