We practice the continuous integration (CI), built with the help of GitLab. The development model we use allows to have safe and stable production branches. For a code to be merged to the master branch, it must first pass a series of automatic and manual tests. These checks save overall development time, allow to detect bugs and errors at early stages and ensure the high quality of a code.
We practice the continuous integration (CI), built with the help of [GitLab](https://gitlab.com). The development model we use allows to have safe and stable production branches (similar to the [Git-flow](https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/) model). For a code to be merged to the master branch, it must first pass a series of automatic and manual tests. These checks save overall development time, allow to detect bugs and errors at early stages and ensure the high quality of a code.
In our development, we follow the [Odoo Guidelines](https://www.odoo.com/documentation/12.0/reference/guidelines.html) and [OCA Guidelines](https://github.com/OCA/odoo-community.org/blob/master/website/Contribution/CONTRIBUTING.rst).
In our development, we follow the [Odoo Guidelines](https://www.odoo.com/documentation/12.0/reference/guidelines.html) and [OCA Guidelines](https://github.com/OCA/odoo-community.org/blob/master/website/Contribution/CONTRIBUTING.rst).